Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Battle of Busaco - Part Four

Move 5

With the withdrawal of the allied artillery from the ridge, and the light division from the village, the whole French line moves forward.

The French cavalry attempt to cut off the light division from the ridge, but are held at bay by the infantry square.

The French on the left have moved forward as the enemy artillery have withdrawn.

The French cavalry in the centre move forward to take advantage of the withdrawal from the village.

To their right infantry move forward to occupy the village.

The artillery of the centre and right move to concentrate on the right hand ridge.

British artillery on the right hand ridge have moved forward again to fire on the approaching French infantry.

French infantry move forward to occupy the village.

Their artillery move into position to engage the enemy guns on the ridge.

Move 6

Massena orders his centre and left to pin the enemy opposite

The main attack is delivered on the right.

The British gunners manhandle their guns to the front of the ridge and open fire on the approaching infantry.

Marshal Massena has ordered Reynier to attack the British right hand ridge.

Ney will hold their centre and left supported by the cavalry.

Artillery on the British right ridge have moved forward and opened fire on the approaching French infantry, but failed to inflict any casualties.

Two French infantry brigades, supported by the cavalry, move forward to occupy the village. The artillery is moving into position to pin the enemy infantry on the ridge.

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