Historical background
In June 1813 Wellington fought King Joseph in the final battle fought in Spain. It was one of Wellington’s most famous victories, and drove the French out of Spain.

Historical Orbat
Wellington British - 79000 infantry, 8300 cavalry, 90 guns
Joseph French - 66000 infantry, 11300 cavalry, 153 guns
Wargame Orbat
Wellington British - 128 infantry, 8 cavalry, 4 guns
Marmont French - 96 infantry, 12 cavalry, 6 guns
British commanders
Morillo – Peubla Heights - 32 infantry, 0 cavalry, 1 gun
Picton – Arinez - 32 infantry, 4 cavalry, 1 gun
Alten – Arinez - 32 infantry, 4 cavalry, 1 gun
Graham – Vitoria - 32 infantry, 4 cavalry, 1 gun
French commanders
Gazan – Arinez - 32 infantry, 4 cavalry, 2 guns
D’Erlon – Puebla Heights - 32 infantry, 4 cavalry, 2 guns
Reille – Vitoria - 32 infantry, 4 cavalry, 2 guns

Puebla heights is bottom right, occupied by d’Erlon.
Morillo is approaching with his Spanish corps
Arinez village and hill is in the centre
Both are occupied by Gazan
Picton is approaching from the south
Alten is on the left of the river
Vitoria is top right and Gamara on the left, both occupied by Reille
Graham is approaching on the left of the river
Game Notes
This is the first time in this series of battles that I have used 18mm figures. I have all the armies in both 18mm and 28mm, but lately I have preferred to use the larger figures. This is partly because I just like the feel of the larger models, but also because they photograph better.
But in this battle I needed greater space between the columns to make it more difficult for the French to cover all possible approach routes. It is a battle which the French should win, so Wellington needs all the help he can get.
This battle is based on Vitoria, it is not meant to be a refight of it.
We use our own rules to fight all of these battles.
Link to wargame rules
The only special rule is that we do not use the “Poor Card” for this game. There is only one Poor commander (Morillo) and if we used the card then almost certainly he would have to miss his turn every move.
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